I'm not sure where I first heard about Soumak weaving but a lot of what I learned was from this site soumak weaving. At the time I was part of a fiber arts small group at church and while everyone else was knitting and crocheting I chose to do something different. I got the extra bonus of receiving all the leftover yarn from my friends so basically all it cost me was the materials for making my loom!
As I began churning out pieces I discovered that some of them needed a little extra punch,
thus the addition of embroidery, buttons, sticks, polymer clay beads, etc.
This was a good craft for working with colors and textures. Here are a couple of pieces waiting to be completed.
I haven't done much lately (remember I craft in spurts) but I've got everything ready, waiting for me to be bit by the bug again.
look how different this piece
Where do you like it best?
I like the middle picture best. But I like it ALL!