Monday, November 18, 2013

A Mini Book of Gellis

All those gelli prints that are stacking up .... some of them have found their way into a mini book.

I used a small book that I found on the bookshelf

I cut pages from my favorite prints

and glued them directly to the pages of the book

the pages are 2 1/2 by 3 1/4

I removed some pages so it wouldn't be overly thick

62 pages plus front and back inside covers and 
of course the book cover

it still doesn't close correctly but

I plan on putting it on the shelf standing up and fanned out anyway

'eh, everybody's a critic!


  1. Great book filled with amazing gelli prints! ~Kristi Matta

  2. I love this! I have so many gelli print pages. Such a great way to "display" them! ��
