Monday, September 29, 2014

We're Done Now

I made a doodle on the back of the bag that I posted Saturday. 

Here's the front again in case you missed it. Flowers and a butterfly go together don't you think?

Saturday, September 27, 2014

I am a TV-watching junkie. I admit it. But in my defense, I don't just sit and watch TV, I am usually doing something on the side ... drawing, sewing, and yes, playing mindless games on my iPad.

This week with the new season of shows hitting the air I've been quite ... busy. 

A tote bag ... the flowers are "growing" out of pockets on the front. I don't think I'm finished though. I'm thinking about adding a little something to the back.

This just goes to prove nothing is off limits when it comes to me doodling. 

Thursday, September 25, 2014


I mentioned back in March (link to post) getting some old handkerchiefs from my Mother that had belonged to my Grandmother. I've made a few things from a couple of them.

A couple of ATCs and a broach for dressing up a simple T-shirt.

and this fiber collage that I can't decide if I'm finished or not 

with a closeup of the detail - embroidered pattern of handkerchief
Obviously most of my time is spent doodling, 
but I still love my fibers. As Christmas gets closer things will pick up with this medium. 

If only there were more hours in a day (and less distractions!)

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

ZenDoodles on Tote Bags

I've been tinkering with mediums other than paper ... zendooding on canvas tote bags. All four designs were copied from previous drawings with minor adjustments to accommodate the size of the bag, the texture (the fabric really soaks up the ink and I can't achieve as much contrast as when working on paper), and sometimes I just wanted something different.

Bags two, three, and four have been sold! My head is full of ideas for the upcoming holidays ... maybe I can make some money to pay for Christmas!

Monday, September 22, 2014

Where in the World is Saidfraz pt2

I haven't done a lot of gelli printing and what I have done is either still hanging to dry, sitting in a box, or providing a background for ... yes, even more doodling/zentangling. Here are four examples of the befores and the afters. 

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Where in the World is Saidfraz?``

It's been six months since I last made a blog entry. I haven't been sitting idly at home doing nothing, nor has life been too hectic or out of control. I've just been focused on different things. I've continued to pull gelli prints and doodling/zentangling is an every day occurrence. I've posted photos on Flickr, Pinterest, and Instagram, and recently I added a page on Facebook showcasing my drawings. Now that summer is winding down I've decided to dust off the old blog and bring in some fresh work. Before I do that I want to share some of what I've done over the last six months. So, if you follow me on the fore mentioned sites you might want to ignore the rest of this post. Going forward the plan is to post regularly and not bombard you with a crazy amount of photos.

I hope you enjoyed looking at these and maybe even found some inspiration for yourself. 
Check back, 'cause there's lots more to come.