Let me introduce you to my newest obsession

It's a Gelli plate!
With some paper and a little bit of this

(I'm talking about the paint, ignore the beer carton) I have been printing up all kinds of fun paper to use in my art journaling, collages, card making ... and just about every other artistic endeavor that comes to mind.
A few prints ... ok, more than a few ...

And this is only a small sampling of prints that I've pulled.
So, what have I done so far with some of the prints?

I have a plan to pull these pages and future ones together. I'll share that with you some other time. I've also started a 30 day ATC challenge. Here are the first three:

I know I've only scratched the surface of what I can do with my plate and the possibilities are endless for what I can create with the prints. Meanwhile I'm on a creative high and relishing in this personal journey that many won't even understand. That's ok 'cause I'm not doing it for them, I'm doing it for me!